It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees a person may own, if he cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, his education is incomplete. anthelion anthomania anthesis anthomancy anthorism anthophilous anthracomancy anthrophobia anthropobiology anthropoglot anthropogenesis anthropolatry antibromic anthropopathy anthropolith anthropomancy anthropophagous anthropophaginian anthropotheism anthroposophy antibasilican antiblastic apocatastisis apocope apocarteresis apodal apocrisiary apodictic apodysophilia apolaustic apograph aponia apologetics apopemptic apophasis apositia aporia apophoret apophthegm aposiopesis apostasy apostrophe apostil apotelesm apotheosis apotropaic apothegm apparitor appersonation appendant apperception appetence applanate apposite approbation apprompt apport appose appropinquity appulse appurtenance aprique apricate apselophesia apse apsidal apterygial appui aptotic aptronym apyrexy aquamanile aquarelle aquaphobia aquifer aquiform annihilationism annodated annomination animism anisothenic anion anneal anlace annectent anocathartic anodyne anodontia ankus anker ankyroid annuent annulose annulet anosmia anotic ansate anoesis anogenic anomia anopsia anopisthographic anorchous anomic anomphalous anomie anonym anon anopheline anguilliform anguiform anguine animadvert animastic anile anglophilia angiology anglomania anhelation anguine anhedonia angora anglophobia angstrom angelus angelology angiogenesis aniconic anhidrosis anicular anteambulo anteloquy antelucan antejentacular antechapel antepast antependium